Learn the faith that saves!
(click image to view video)
Catholic Guidance Video Prayers–Prayed from the Heart–to Grow in Love with God and His Mother:
- Rosary – Joyful Mystery (Precious Blood of Jesus Devotion)
- Rosary – Luminous Mystery (Precious Blood of Jesus Devotion)
- Rosary – Sorrowful Mystery (Precious Blood of Jesus Devotion)
- Rosary – Glorious Mystery (Precious Blood of Jesus Devotion)
- Stations of the Cross (St. Alphonosus)
(Videos in sacrament series are most effective if watched in order.)
God’s Gift to Help Save Our Souls–The Sacraments:
- What are the Sacraments?
- Baptism – Joining the Faith – Receive the Grace
- Confession – Receive grace to grow in sorrow for our offences against God so to obtain complete continuous forgiveness of our sins
- Communion – Receive grace from Jesus – His true body, blood, soul and divinity as our strength, enlightenment and love to guide us towards the Path of Life and into perfection.
How to Videos:
- How to Pray Humbly
- How to Pray the Rosary Correctly
- How to Pray and Understand the Our Father
Questions & Answers
- If I’m Baptized Will I be Saved?
- Why Confession Doesn’t Guarantee Forgiveness
- Why, for most, Anointing of the Sick Doesn’t Forgive Mortal Sin
- Why Most Don’t Receive Holy Communion Worthily
more coming soon
I was explaining to someone how Lifting Our Values/Catholic Guidance tries our very best to produce the greatest quality videos we can, because we want to provide everyone with the greatest means possible to help them obtain a saving faith.
And someone asked me, “Why? You seem to have no problem finding God, and you don’t watch any YouTube videos.” And that is very true.
However, we are not all the same. For some people it is very hard to separate ourselves from the distractions of the world, and we need assistance to get ourselves into the correct mood and stay motivated. Having pleasing, well put together materials can help relieve boredom, keep us focused and make learning easier.
To pray well, we can be assisted by looking at a religious image, hearing religious music and/or listening to someone pray intently from the heart (as we all should pray). If we get distracted through a prayer and we wind up not finishing it, how great is it to know we can go on YouTube and pray with someone who can help keep our attention through the entire prayer until we gain more grace and can completely leave the world and be with God alone without the assistance of another.
All of these means can greatly help someone grow and focus more easily on God so to gain greater knowledge of The Way and increase our relationship with Him for the salvation of souls.